Friday, October 27, 2017

sorry kids!

due to recent life emergencies, i no longer have time or motivation to continue posting here.
check back in a year or so after my station in life has improved.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

MARS net on 6968.5U had to move because of pesskies on 6970L 7-23-17 2300U

thats what it sounded like, maybe not... at 2301U both are comming as per usual.
side by side, which is anomalous in itself and worthy of logging.

Friday, July 14, 2017

it seems ive dropped off the map, i havent

im occupied working out presenting a homebrew methodology for independent SIGINT research. the -capture- and initial analysis portion of the field, not the digital decoding. thats not my specialty. i wont even pretend to be godlike there.
my experiences cataloging the worlds peskies has taught a lot on how to rig up an efficient workstation from reception to the cataloging itself.

oh the cataloging...

hundreds upon hundreds of 3x5 cards, man. cross-referenced by color chart.
like a resistor code. i will walk a user through my own setup and how to dramatically improve ones ability to process mass amounts of information like a professional SIGINT spook. that was absolutely dumb sounding. with therapy you will come to forgive me, but you will walk away more efficient with the time you spend with your gear, for sure.

Friday, June 23, 2017

so little time

sorry kids, not enough time in the night to document my favorites lately. its hard enough to manage these 3x5 cards. its hard being one of the worlds only resources for tracking these guys besides hfu. was hoping to have a beta soundboard up by now.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

polish speaking pesskie?

logged it a few nights ago during a grayline sweep.
around 6880 LSB 10pm local.

Monday, June 12, 2017

activity update

ok, been real distracted lately. band conditions are weird, 6 meters has been opening, so i havent been keeping up, lots of new voices heard lately, hard to keep up. apologies.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

GERRY!!call me or email me, dude.

i need a few words on a few things still open, please help me out real quick.