"Pesskies", the scourge of shortwave radio? or just tech-savvy regular guys shooting the shit on the radio.
"Pesskies" is a wholesale term given to mainly Spanish speaking radio operators that are heard operating in the shortwave radio spectrum.
They typically use regions of the spectrum not normally available to radio amateurs(HAMS).
Pesskie is a transliteration of the Latin term Pescador, or fisherman. It also refers to the pesky irritated feeling experienced when hunting for clandestine or pirate radio broadcasts only to see a carrier pop up where 2 to 5 people begin talking in Spanish. "dammit, i thought it was a clandestine station or pirate, but its just those pesky rag-chewers again..."
20 or 30 years ago, the pesskies may well have been fishermen, or even drug runners operating on the high seas. Communicating via radio seemed expedient enough to keep in touch with fellow fishermen, or other narcotrafficos over a medium to longer distance. Smaller toy walkie-talkies just do not have the power to transmit over longer distances or on these restricted frequency bands, so more robust radios are needed.
Nowadays a quite different picture is painted.
Local to me near DC there are a few stations considered by many in the past to have been pesskies, but I have been stalking them over time and they aren't fishermen at all, just guys keeping in touch with friends and family with halfway decent equipment.
They don't have official callsigns, instead called by name, or on a few occasions by number.
so while its challenging to identify them by callsign, I have fingerprinted them via their radio persona, or their signal characteristics, by giving each operator a unique nickname:
"Off By 30" is always off frequency by 30 kHz
"Smartass 1" has a very sarcastic laugh
"Smartass 2" is a less annoying clone of "Smartass 1" with that silly laugh.
"Fishtank Guy" sounds like he is in a fishtank because of a slight slapback effect in his transmitted audio.
"Hector" not his name, but he always calls for Hector, so it stuck.
There are many more but these are the more colorful ones.
Rarely do i ever hear women, sometimes I hear kids in the background though.
the purpose of this blog is to document some of the things i have discovered while camping on known pesskie bands. there is only one other place that discusses this and thats HFU.
More much later on the subject. I'm all about HAARP right now.
We will eventually get into equipment, specific frequencies, schedules, operators and hopefully we will be able to tie it all together with some good old fashioned sleuthing.
There is a long-standing kinda unspoken thing where pirate radio enthusiasts do not attempt to ascertain the location of an illegal transmission.
I will not stand on ceremony here and when I discover a location of a pesskie, I will post it, because it matters to us as radio people where a signal comes from to help paint a better picture of how earth science is allowing us a glimpse into how the atmosphere works. I wouldn't do that with a pirate broadcaster though.
If the FCC isn't going to track homegrown pesskies with all of their equipment, then they wouldn't care where they are anyway, even if it gets posted here or elsewhere.
Again, I will not do this with pirate broadcasters. They are the vanguard of a type of an antagonistic voice not seen or heard for many many years and deserve that requisite amount of respect.
I will attempt to profile and deconstruct entire adhoc radio nets without the aid of the internet except for maps and propagation reports.
Before google thats how I did it anyway. It stayed in my head, but now I can finally share my ongoing observations.
We will also cover dialect. Most radio nerds will understand many dialects due to exposure to casual shortwave broadcast listening or just by living life, and its important to note when monitoring a radio net to help establish location and atmospheric propagation conditions (CONDX) from those locations which also help when stalking other types of radio transmissions.
Certain pesskies will eventually become beacons to help you plan your listening window. Like when you hear some dudes speaking Tagalog, you know DX will be rolling in from past the pacific islands and you can plan accordingly, looking for that clandestine you missed last month when you took a day off to hear a call for Reunification from North Korea Reform Radio, but conditions sucked and you wasted a day off.
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